Monday, December 20, 2010

WW Update!

So I figured now would be a good time to update all of you about my progress with Weight Watchers. Ya know, since I'm eating chips and dip, decided to skip tonight's Zumba lesson and have been binging on Holiday goodies all weekend.

Alright so it's not as bad as it sounds. I am eating chips and dip...but I already added it to my points and I still have 11 points left for the day. And I am skipping Zumba, only because I don't have anyone to go with, I'm a little tired and I have to work early in the morning, none of which, are good excuses for skipping, I'm well aware. I don't have one. But when the Saturday morning classes start back up January 8th, I'll be at all most of them. I really do love it. And I have been eating badly this weekend, but the only day I really overdid it was Saturday. I knew it would happen, it was my family's Christmas party and there is always so much amazing food there! I try to control myself with portions, so I can taste a little of everything. (My cheesy potatoes' portions are always a little bigger than average.)

I got back on track Sunday morning and have been doing good since.

I haven't lost any weight in about 3 weeks. It's sad, but I also haven't gained any, so that's good. I'd like to lose before the New Year starts but I'll be happy until then as long as I don't gain any lbs!

So far on this journey I've lost 10.5 lbs. I've been doing it since the end of September, which kind of disappoints me but it's my own fault. At first I was really into the plan and I was losing 1-2 lbs per week and was happy as a clam. But after one bad weekend, I gained 3 pounds and lost my motivation. I have it back, I do the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred some days, and Zumba on Saturdays. (After the Holidays, where all the food is...of course.)

At the moment, I do feel a little guilty because I told myself I'd go to Zumba tonight. I just don't feel like driving 20 minutes there and 20 minutes back in the freezing cold. I'd rather relax tonight!

My good friend Lindsey recently joined WW and she has talked me into running a 5K in the spring. If that weren't a good enough reason to get into shape, my other friend Cindel's wedding is next year and all of the festivities that lead up to said wedding start in January. I must get to exercising! Hopefully I can find some Zumba classes on the way home from work, then I'd really be out of excuses! There is one located at my actual place of work, I just don't want to look like an idiot since I'm the worst dancer on the planet. Also, my feet don't move when my brain tells them to, so...I got that.

Anyway, I'm done rambling for the moment. I hope all of you that are in my same desperately-trying-to-lose-weight-before-you-lose-your-mind boat that I'm in are having a good holiday and better luck!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Tag!

I was browsing holiday blog topics on Google and came across this survey type tag...brings me back to the old days of MySpace bulletins :)

But before I start the questions, I just wanted to give a shout out to my very best friend in the whole wide world, Lindsay. She lives 4 hours away from me currently (sad face) but we still talk every single day. She finally decided to start a blog tonight and I couldn't be more excited! Go check her out!! ->
Worry Ends Where Faith Begins

Ok, here we go!

Christmas Tag!
1.) Wrapping Paper or Gift Bags? I'd say wrapping paper. Ever since I was little I've loved wrapping gifts. Especially perfectly square or rectangle ones! Gift bags are helpful for lots of small or odd shaped packages though.
2.) Tree; Real or Fake? Fake. As much as I like the smell and look of a real tree, it's just too much to keep up with! Plus you only have to purchase a fake tree once!
3.) When do you put the tree up? I always get so anxious to put it up. This year, we put it up the weekend after Halloween. Hey-the holiday season starts November 1st as far as I'm concerned.
4.) When do you take the tree down? The week after New Years. Once the holidays are over I become a little bored with them. I take everything down in hopes that the cold weather will go away with them.
5.) Like Eggnog? LOVE eggnog is more like it. Guernsey's to be more specific. I sometimes like to mix it with a little milk because it can be so thick...I really feel bad for people that live where Guernsey's isn't available :)
6.) Do you have a Nativity Scene? Nope just icicle lights.
7.) Favorite Gift Received as a Child? I think it would be my Tiffany's Necklace. It's a pad lock type one and I can't seem to find it right now. I moved 3 times last year so it's my mission to locate it before the end of December 2010.
8.) Hardest person to buy for? Probably my dad. He has everything he needs and if he wants something he usually buys it for himself.
9.) Easiest person to buy for? I think that would be my mom. She never spends money on herself and I see her so often that I know exactly what she wants.
10.) Worst Gift?  I can't really think of a bad gift I've received. 11.) Mail or E-mail Christmas cards? Mail. I didn't send any this year and I'm trying not to feel guilty about it. I just think it wastes more paper and I'm going to tell most of them "Merry Christmas" in person anyway.
12.) Favorite Christmas Movie? I really love The Grinch with Jim Carrey, Christmas Vacation, Christmas with the Cranks, Elf, Christmas Story...I just love everything Christmas I guess.
13.) When do you start shopping for Christmas presents? Throughout the year, if I see something I think someone would like, I pick it up and put it in the Christmas bag. I usually end up giving those presents away for everyone's Birthday's during the year but I like to do a little at a time. I have 3 more things to pick up and I'm done.
14.) Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? I'm sure I have. My Aunt gave me a candle shaped like a dog with a note inside about how it was a "precious family heirloom." That gift seems to be re-gifted annually.
15.) Favorite food to eat on Christmas? Sounds odd, but breakfast. I look forward to the big breakfast on Christmas morning. Our family doesn't have a typical Christmas dinner. Of course I can't forget about the cookies and Aunt Joanie's Toffee though ;)
16.) Clear or colored tree lights? Clear for sure.
17.) Favorite Christmas Song? Mariah Carey-All I want for Christmas is You, N*Sync-Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Aaron Neville-Come Home for Christmas (the Eagles version is a close second), Wham-Last Christmas (NOT the Taylor Swift version, it's horrible.) :)
18.) Home or Travel? Home please.
19.) Store-bought or handmade? I wish I had enough time/creativity to hand-make gifts. But they can sometimes end up being more expensive than store-bought anyway!
20.) Angel or Star as a tree-topper? Neither. A big bow instead.
21.) Open presents on Christmas Day or Christmas Eve? Christmas Eve at my Dad's, Christmas Day at my Mom's. 
22.) Most annoying thing about this time of year? The stress and rushing. And the bitter cold weather.
23.) Bake at home or buy? Definitely bake at home! Baking's my favorite!
24.) Lights outside? Yup, our first year! Icicles.
25.) Mistletoe? I've never actually seen any in person other than at a store once. So I guess no.

This tag was so much fun! I tag everyone but specifically Jenny and Lindsay :)

See you guys soon!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Mixing Metals?

So it's trendy now to mix metals with your accessories now, right? Gold and silver strands in necklaces, belts, bracelets and shoes. Metallics are really popular and I'm jumping on that bandwagon.

It all started when...
Well, I was at Meijer, grocery shopping on a Friday night, you know how I do. Anyway, I always stop by the makeup section because they have good prices and really great sales. Meijer has their own brand of tools and nail polishes, called Stuido M. Most of the colors don't usually catch my eye but they have a holiday collection out and some of the colors were actually really gorgeous, and only $2.99!!
So I bought a silver metallic color, figuring I could wear it during the holidays or for New Year's Eve. Then I ventured out to the Revlon section and Meijer is having a clearance sale on basically all cosmetics so about half of all the Revlon polishes were marked way down. I've been on the hunt for a cheaper gold color lately, not clear with gold glitter, just gold. I found a sheer but pretty polish for another 3 bucks and threw it in the cart.

I'll save you from the rest of my grocery shopping trip and cut to the chase.
On Saturday afternoon I decided to paint the silver on my nails for a Christmas party I had later that night. It looked ok...[I personally don't agree with the rule that silver looks better on fair skintones and gold on darker] but not too special. I saw my gold Revlon shade sitting there and thought to my self "I wonder how it would look over this silver..."
I tested it out on a piece of paper and needless to say I decided to go for it. I actually got a few compliments on my nails that night and I really liked the way it turned out. I think this may be the start of mixing different polishes and being more creative for me. I hope you guys give it a try as well!

Cute name, huh?

Both polishes are beautiful on their own but together...amazing!

The silver alone

Siiilver and gold, siiiilver and gold...-I don't know the rest of the words.

Hope you guys enjoy this!

Tweet me!! @ep3074

Thursday, December 2, 2010

By George, I think I've got it!

I really think I've found the best glitter that nail polish has to offer. I mentioned this polish in my November Favorites, but I think it's deserves more. It deserves it's own blog post!

If you look back into my posts for glitter nail polish, I did a haul/review on a bunch of clear polishes loaded with chunky glitter. This one is a bit different. What polish am i talking about?

It's called Pink Before You Leap from OPI. This is not a new color by any means, I forgot I even had it. It is even beginning to have a strong chemically smell, which leads me to believe it's getting pretty old, but I will repurchase! The polish doesn't look like anything special in the bottle, just a very light pink, but on your nails it's a whole different story. 

The color is unlike any other glitter polishes I've tried because of the glitter itself. It's very fine and more of a shimmer/sparkle than chunks of confetti looking glitter that other polishes have. The glitter is subtle, and so gorgeous. It has flecks of pink, green and a little silver, the polish itself is extremely sheer, making this a great top coat. I wear glitter on my ring finger, but this one is so soft, I can wear it on every finger. 

The best part about this ultra fine glitter is that it comes off so easily! That's the worst thing about wearing a glitter top coat, it takes so much time and effort to get it off your friggin' nails! Well, no longer! Roll the pictures!

Shown over Rimmel Steel Grey
Manicure is over 3 days old! CND Stickey Base Coat and Seche Vite at their finest!
Well, there's my rave review for OPI Think Before You Leap Nail Polish. I think it's safe to say, my other glitter polishes will be taking a back seat for a while. And I'm totally fine with it!

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 30 — Your favorite nail polish

Wow, I made to the final day! And with only one slip-up! 30 Days worth of [mostly] Beauty Questions.

Anyway, what's my favorite nail polish? This is so hard for me. Anyone who knows me knows that I have a bit of an obsession with nail polish. Nail polish is the one thing in the store that draws my attention. I think it's because it's so easy to change your polish, and your nails are like an accessory. It totally changes my mood when I look at my nails and see a pretty color. So what's my favorite? For now, I'd have to say one of those muddy taupe colors that usually have a purple undertones. I really love Rimmel Steel Grey, OPI You Don't Know Jacques, ELF Smokey Brown, any of those types of colors. (And I wouldn't dare paint my nails without my trusty CND Stickey Base Coat and Seche Vite Fast Dry Top Coat.) That's one trend that I hopped on about a year ago and never got off. I think these colors look great on everyone.

Well, that's the last of these posts, I guess now I'll have time to write more posts, just not every day!
Talk at you soon!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 29 — Photo of something that makes you go awww

Ok, so I love babies, and the cutest baby I've seen in a long time is my niece, Mia. She is so cute. A little monster though, she gets into everything, including my lipstick! But she's so adorable you can't be mad.

Ahh, I just love her! She just does her own thing, she couldn't care less what everyone else is doing, unless she's trying to keep from getting into trouble!
One more day!


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 28 — Your favorite drink

Ok, if they mean "alcoholic drink" then I'd have to say hard cider cider. Woodchuck Draft Cider, ACE Pear Cider, Hornsby's...they're all so good, plus the alcohol content is higher than beer :). It's 200+ calories a bottle so I rarely indulge in it any more but it tastes so incredibly good! I love the different varieties and seasonal flavors they come out with. Also, you can make Snakebites by mixing lager and cider together. Mmmm.

And favorite regular drink is probably Chai Tea. I love Starbucks Tazo Chai in every [nonfat] form, latte, frappucino, cold, hot, plain...just love it. It tastes like the holidays. It's a spiced tea with a lot of flavor. I love it hot or cold and I even make it at home sometimes with Oregon Chai Tea Concentrate. It's so comforting and yummy!

See you tomorrow!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 27 — Your favorite skincare product

I'm going to have to go with face wash on this one. I think all of my skincare products are really important but after you wash your face it's like a fresh start. I never put makeup on if I haven't washed my face and I use two different washes to keep it clean.

I use a salicylic acid wash, Biore Ice Cleanser and Clean & Clear Continuous Control. I use each of these every other time I wash my face. The Biore one is good because it makes your skin squeaky clean. The Clean & Clear one is nice because it has benzoyl peroxide in it, which help clears breakouts, but doesn't leave your skin feeling completely clean so I alternate the two.
I love both of these washes for different reasons, but they both do their job. I also use an exfoliator and a mask but I'd have to say my favorite product is my face wash!
Only 3 more posts to go!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 26 — An Item from your wishlist

I have a big wishlist...but one item on there that I've wanted for a long time is something that has nothing to do with makeup or beauty. I've always wanted a KitchenAid Stand Mixer. I love to bake, especially around the holidays, and it would be so amazing to have one in my kitchen! I think I want a red one. It would make things so much easier when I'm baking large batches of cookies, so I didn't have to use a low powered hand mixer or my arm. I also love all the different attachments you can buy and all the different things you can do with them!

I hope I get one soon, if not, I'll just have to buy one for myself!

See you tomorrow!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 25 — What do you want to get from luux

This one is easy. I don't want anything from Luux. That website isn't very fair, because if people are already famous on YouTube, they'll be famous on Luux, get more points, and be able to "win" more things. I also think that nothing comes for free, so I have a hard time believing you will be able to get an Ipad for free, just for blogging about makeup.

And that's just how I feel about that!

See you tomorrow, 5 more posts to go!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 24 — Your favorite food

I'd have to say my favorite food is anything Mexican. My Grandma is Mexican and she makes the best enchiladas. I love any kind of Mexican food, tacos, burritos, tostadas, empanadas, nachos, chimichangas, beans, rice, salsa...I love it all. And of course margaritas and dos equis beer! And just to clarify-not Spanish food...Mexican food! Mmmm, it makes me hungry just thinking about it.

There's a few places around us that have amazing authentic Mexican, and of course homemade is the best but I really think I could eat it everyday and not get bored.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 23 — Place where you want to live

I definitely want to live in Tennessee. Preferably east Tennessee. I love the area around Gatlinburg, DollyWood, all the way to Knoxville. I like how there's so much rural area yet within about 30 minutes you can be on the expressway on your way into town. I love the view of the mountains. I love the creeks and ponds and especially the southern accents. My dream is to build my own farm house down there. I love country music and friendly people. I'd like having neighbors that are a mile away. My great Aunt and Uncle live there and I just love going to down to visit. I hope to move there one day-sooner than later.

Where do you want to live?

See you tomorrow

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 22 — What makes you happy

A lot of things make me happy. I think weather is a big part of what kind of mood I'll be in for the day, and I bet it's not what you think. If I wake up and the sun is shining brightly in my room-I get a little annoyed. If, when I wake up, I look outside to see that it's either foggy or cloudy or rainy, I'm happy. It's like I'm backwards. I've always liked the rain as far back as I can remember.
Another thing that makes me happy is having a free weekend ahead of me. When I know that I don't have to wake up super early on Saturday or I don't have to go anywhere on Sunday afternoon, now that's a happy feeling.
And, of course, I love the holidays. From the time the leaves start changing and the apple orchards open up and the cider, donuts, pumpkins, thanksgiving food to Christmas with the smells, the baking, family, music...and decorating my own house with my boyfriend, who also makes me happy, all the way to New Year's Eve, I just love the holidays. . :)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 21 — Your favorite lip stick

Out of all the different brands and colors of lipstick I have, I'm still going to have to go with the first MAC Lipstick I ever bought. Shy Girl.

It's a cremesheen formula so it's very smooth and pigmented. It's a perfect nude with a touch of peach or coral to it. It goes well with a lot of different eye looks. I just love it, I'll definitely repurchase.

See ya tomorrow!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 20 — Your favorite mascara

I'm going to have to say L'Oreal Volumious Carbon Black. I tried it because everyone said it was amazing, and I absolutely loved it. It's really the only mascara I've ever tried that actually volumizes and lengthens my lashes at the same time. Rimmel Max Volume Flash is a close second, but Voluminous really gives me the full fake lash effect. Plus it's super black. The only complaint I have about it is that it can get clumpy, but if you remember to wipe off your brush before applying, you're golden.

I'll be baaaack!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 19 — Your favorite look from a beauty guru

These are getting harder every day! I love watching celebrity inspired tutorials. Especially Kim Kardashian ones. Pixiwoo has amazing tutorials, as stated in my last post. I love their Kim Kardashian, and the Pamela Anderson one Sam did yesterday was so beautiful. I also love when Nic does her makeup and doesn't really plan it, just goes with it. There was one where she used a light off white pigment and satin taupe in the crease. I recreated it the next day and got so many compliments. They seriously have so much talent.

I also love MakeupByEman's tutorials for dark smoky eyes. I believe she has a black or more neutral one and she recently did a green one.

When you watch any of these videos, before they even start talking you want to be like "How can I do my makeup like that?!" and that makes it so fun to watch and learn!

What are your favorite looks to watch?

See ya on day 20!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 18 — Your favorite beauty guru

Wow, day 18 already. To be honest, I almost forgot to write this post today, I had to go to work early and I am exhausted. Anyway, my favorite beauty guru...hmmm...

I really used to love Michele1218. I don't know what it is about her, but if she raved about something, no matter what it was, something clicked in my head and I just had to get it!
I love her style and how she always had neutral eye tutorials. Plus she's super pretty! I really was sad when she decided to leave YouTube because she was one of those people that if she made a new video, all the other videos in my subscription box would just simply have to wait. I wish she would come back just to do random hauls or something!!

I also love to watch LisaLisaD1, because, like Michele, she makes me want everything! I love how she puts what she's wearing in the description box because on most days, I'll think "wow her lips look amazing!" or "I really love her eyeshadow" and I can just read below to find out what it is! She's also really nice and always responds to my comments. I'm a huge fan of her Friday Hauls-as if Friday wasn't already the best day, I can't wait to come home and watch Lisa's weekly haul!

For real makeup lessons, I always refer to Pixiwoo. I love Sam and Nic, I think they are two of the best makeup artists and teachers out there. They both do beautiful looks of all kinds and they show you how to achieve it from beginning to end. And hello, their accent? Please! In Fact, Sam just posted a picture of her latest tutorial, Pamela Anderson makeup, she looks stunning and I can't wait for the video to be posted!

Of course, I have a million other gurus I always watch, LolaMarie7, TheMakeupAddict86, EmilyNoel83, Jenny04105, StephBusta, LisaEldridgedotcom...the list goes on and on.

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 17 — Fashion Pieces that's on your to-buy list

I have a few things I've been wanting lately...
A pair of tall Uggs,
A big chunky necklace...
and a white watch!
What items are on your to-buy list?

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 16 — Music you like

Well I like almost every kind of music. I would say I listen to country and "mainstream" or top 40 radio stations the most, however, as of last Friday, the only station playing in my car is 100.3 WNIC. Otherwise known during the holidays as Detroit's Christmas Station.
I love that I can turn it on while I'm on my way to work and [if it's not a commercial] I can get Christmas Music no matter what time of day. They used to start it the day after Halloween but I'm sure some people got annoyed with it and now they wait a little longer. I'm just glad it's here now!

Hey, we're half way done with this challenge! See ya tomorrow!
picture from Facebook

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 15 — Photo of your favorite bracelet

I don't really have a favorite bracelet, I don't wear them often...I feel like they make my arms look chubby because they cut it off. But, recently I found this baby at H&M for about $4 and I've been loving it.
It's pretty simple in the fact that it's just a silver band with a silver bow covered in rhinestones. It looks good by itself, with a few other bangles or...
...with a pair of matching rhinestone-covered bow earrings. :) Roll the pics!

Bling Bling! Do people still say that?

I just think it's adorable, especially for the holidays :)

Hasta Manana!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 14 — Photo of a hairstyle/haircut you'd like to have

I've been growing my hair out from a really short bob...
This was months after the longest layer was originally around my mouth.
And obviously, a very blonde angled bob. I really liked that haircut but it ran it's course. I wish there would be an invention that would let you cut your hair and grow it however you wanted. Like those play-doh barber shop dolls. But there isn't, and my hair grows really fast anyway so I won't complain. I've been growing it out since last September. I think I'm on my way to achieving this look like Sarah Jessica Parker's in the Sex and the City movies :)

I like everything about Sarah Jessica Parker's hair in the movies. I like the texture, how it's not completely straight, I love the color, it's not boring or mousy, and I love the length. I always cut my hair before it gets past my chest. I want to have really long hair for once. I know I'll probably get sick of it shortly but then I can have a new cut all over again. I try a lot of different thing with my hair, I'm usually not scared to try something new because it's just hair, it'll grow back.

I have probably another year to go but for now, I must find ways to style this medium annoying length!

I really was happy that day...I must not have been ready for the picture ;)

See ya tomorrow!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 12 — Your Favorite color

I'd have to say my favorite color is grey. I love grey everything. Eyeliner, eyeshadow, sneakers, purses, sweaters, scarves...if I see a rack of something, I immediately go to the grey section first.

I don't know why, I think it might be because it's neutral but not typical. Everyone wears black and brown, and I like those colors too, but grey is less harsh than black and less common. Plus grey goes with almost every single color.

This whole year I've been obsessed with grey. I don't know if it's a phase or what, but for now, that's my favorite color.

See you tomorrow!

pictures from

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 11 — Bag you want to have

There are a MILLION bags I want to have. I'll have to post a realistic one and my ultimate dream one as well.

Alright, for my realistic bag I want to own I'd pick something along the lines of, oh I don't know, maybe a Madison Dotted Op Art Sophia Bag from Coach? I really can't say, I haven't put much thought into it...:) It runs about $298

For my high(er) end and less realistic option, I'd choose a Balenciaga Day Bag.

It may not look super luxe, but believe me, the leather is amazingly soft, and the price is pretty hefty. This Balenciaga Day Bag runs about $1,450.

My only real must have for purses is that the strap or handles must be able to go around my shoulder. I like to have the option of wearing it on my shoulder, elbow and in my hand, like these bags here but I run around so much and don't go to glamorous events often so I usually whip it on my shoulder and go.

What are you dream purses?

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 09 — Your favorite pair of shoes

This is really hard too. I love wearing high heels but they always end up hurting my feet since I don't wear them that often. I love my Converse and short "fuggs" for running around but overall I'd have to say my favorite pair of shoes are flip flops. From the plain, cheap kind from Old Navy (I think I have 2 pairs of every color from the last 5+ years) to my Cynthia Vincent for Target studded sandals.

Yes, I love fall and the cooler weather but all throughout the summer I'm in flip flops 24/7. I love that time of year when it gets warm enough (for us Michiganders that's basically anything above 50 degrees) to throw on some flip flops and go. I like how they look on my feet, I have really narrow feet so shoes with laces can look a little weird, but flip flops look great. Plus you get to show off your painted toe nails and have an excuse for a pedicure!

Hey, we're 1/3 done with this blog challenge!
See you tomorow!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 08 — A photo that makes you laugh

This is a picture of my dad's dog Hunter. He's a sweet and loves attention. He's tough and he barks when someone approaches the house when he doesn't know them but deep down he's a sweetheart. The best dog ever. In this picture, my boyfriend was cleaning out his car when my dad and step mom were out of town. I let Hunter outside and he climbed right into the front seat, sat straight ahead and waited. It seriously looked like he was waiting to go to the grocery store. I'm surprised he didn't buckle himself up. It was hilarious...

Hunter has since passed on. He was very sick, could barely stand or walk due to arthritis in his hips and he couldn't keep food down. He's in a better place now but we all miss him. RIP Hunter.


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 07 — Your Favorite animal

It's a tie between a tiger and a lizard. Don't ask me why. I think tigers are so cute and I think lizards are cool. That's all I have to say about that.


Day 05 — Your favorite thing to do & Day 06 — Anything Hello Kitty

Bad Liz, Bad. I skipped a day of this. In all fairness, I had a horrible day at work on Friday, went out to dinner as soon as I got home (celebration of losing 5% of my goal...and 11.5 pounds so far) and went to bed at 8:15. I know, it's an excuse, but I honestly did forget.

My punishment shall be to write both yesterday and today's blog post immediately. Here I go.

My Favorite Thing To Do. Hmm...I would have to say put really comfy clothes on, grab a Diet Vernors and write this blog and watch the new videos that have popped into my subscription box on YouTube. Preferably with Christmas music and/or movie playing in the background. I know, I'm sick. ;)

Ok Anything Hello Kitty. This should be easy, and I'm going to approach this the same way I approached having to tell my family that I didn't care for my Dear Aunt Joanie's shortbread (or any shortbread, for that matter)...I don't like Hello Kitty.

It's not because it was trendy and I was trying to be different. It's because I honestly never got into it. When Hello Kitty first came out, I was a little younger and when I was younger, I hated anything girly. I didn't like frilly dresses, anything pink or even to brush my hair (embarrasssssssingggg.) I just don't really care for dolls or that big "cute" cat face. I don't even care for real cats. And the big bow? Please. Blech.

See you tomorrow, promise!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 04 — Your favorite foundation favorite foundation. I am currently in love with two different foundations. But if I had to pick one I'd have to say Revlon ColorStay. I can usually wear the same shade all year, except maybe for a month or two during the summer. I'm in the color 110 Ivory, which is the lightest shade (of course) but this foundation is nearly perfect. I say "nearly" because the only thing I don't like about it is the smell. It has a fragrance to it. It's not a horrible smell but it's too strong for my liking. I can get past it, though because of how well it works.
ColorStay has the perfect texture and consistency, it doesn't leave you too matte or too shiny, just a nice glow. I like how it comes in two different options; one for combination/oily and one for combination/dry skin. I use the oily one. It also has a nice medium-full coverage.

Love ColorStay!

Later Taters!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 03 — Your favorite brush

Okay, do you mean makeup brush or hair brush??

You're lucky I'm prepared to answer either way. ;)

I must cheat, however, because I have more than one of each, as usual.

I use a lot of brushes every day but I'd be lost without a select few of them. One is my Sigma 217 (or E25 in the new numbering system) for my eyes. I use this brush every day, regardless of the eye look I do. It's great for applying loose shadow like my BareMinerals, perfect for blending colors together and fading a color into the crease. I absolutely love it, and it's only $9.

My other favorite brush is an Image Essentials brush I bought at KMart for about $3. It was an impulse buy but ended up being one of my best purchases. I use this brush everyday for contouring with my bronzer. It works great and it's so soft!

For hair brushes, I love my Conair paddle brush. I had a pink one of these all through high school and I've had this blue one for years. They last forever (except the gel handle...don't let your niece bite it, it makes a mess...believe me) and they get every tangle out.

I love the BrushLab round brushes as well. I got this one based on a video from LolaMarie7. She was raving about these brushes and everything she said was true. I'm not a pro with using a round brush with one hand yet, but I'm getting there and these brushes make it super easy. This is the only round brush I've ever used that doesn't tangle and tug my hair. It literally glides through and makes your hair soft and polished. Love!

Hasta Luego!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 02 — Your favorite bag that you own

Here's a tricky one. I don't love any bag that I own. I really need a new bag, in fact i almost bought the Mulberry bag at Target but I need one that I can throw over my shoulder and go. So I have a Guess purse that is cute, just not a "favorite." I've had a few Guess purses and I think they're cute...I get bored with bags pretty often.

Usually, if I'm running errands or going out for a nice dinner, I'll just take my Coach wristlet that my sister got for me for my birthday. It's too cute. I need to get a purse to match. I'm heading to the outlets this weekend so we'll see what happens.
Don't mind the mess in the background ;)

See you tomorrow!

Monday, November 1, 2010


So I have something to confess. I hate the blog challenge I'm currently partaking in. I promise all of you that I'm not "quitting" this challenge, in fact, I'm only replacing it. I came across another 30 Day Challenge, this one being a Beauty version. Right up my alley. If you add this challenge to my old challenge, that's 35 days in a row. So I'm doing pretty good then, huh? Here we go with the new challenge.

Day 01 — Your favorite eyeliner
Day 02 — Your favorite bag that you own
Day 03 — Your favorite brush
Day 04 — Your favorite foundation
Day 05 — Your favorite thing to do
Day 06 — Anything Hello Kitty
Day 07 — Your Favorite animal
Day 08 — A photo that makes you laugh
Day 09 — Your favorite pair of shoes
Day 10 — Current fashion/style you like
Day 11 — Bag you want to have

Day 12 — Your Favorite color
Day 13 — Photo of your fashion/style icon
Day 14 — Photo of a hairstyle/haircut you'd like to have
Day 15 — Photo of your favorite bracelet
Day 16 — Music you like
Day 17 — Fashion Pieces that's on your to-buy list
Day 18 — Your favorite beauty guru
Day 19 — Your favorite look from a beauty guru
Day 20 — Your favorite mascara
Day 21 — Your favorite lip stick
Day 22 — What makes you happy
Day 23 — Place where you want to live
Day 24 — Your favorite food
Day 25 — What do you want to get from luux
Day 26 — An Item from your wishlist
Day 27 — Your favorite skincare product
Day 28 — Your favorite drink
Day 29 — Photo of something that makes you go awww
Day 30 — Your favorite nail polish
Day 01 — Your favorite eyeliner
Out of all the eyeliners I've tried, high end and drugstore, my favorite has got to be L'Oreal HIP Color Chrome Eyeliner.
I have the black one but I'm considering picking up every color. I wouldn't wear this eyeliner for a dramatic cat eye or a blunt straight line but for every day use this one is a winner. I draw a line on the upper and lower lash lines, smudge them out and put a BareMinerals shadow over the top. It takes about two minutes but looks like it took 20. I absolutely love these liners, they are softer than any I've tried, including Urban Decay 24/7 (which are amazing as well).

The Black Shock HIP Liner is so black it's almost blue and simply gorgeous. I will definitely repurchase.

L'Oreal HIP Color Chrome Eyeliner in Black Shock underneath BareMinerals Black Ice
(After 11 hours of wear!)

See you tomorrow for more of the 30 Day Beauty Blog Challene!