Sunday, March 28, 2010

Get to know me...

I grew up in a household of only girls. Two younger sisters and my mom. I could never locate any of my makeup, hair products and especially clothes. Don't get me wrong, we had mostly good times but when you live with that many girls, there are no toy trucks lying around, no action figures...most everything had some kind of prissy, frilly, pink something on it.

Let's go back to summer of 2004...I was a sixteen year old looking for a job. My mom worked in the "city hall" of our township. I applied and somehow got a job working as a seasonal laborer for the grounds department for a township in Michigan. I was suddenly surrounded by males. It was amazing. Being one of the few girls that worked there, getting to hang out with guys made the work day a blast. I made tons of friends, learned more than I ever expected and actually enjoyed going to work. I mean, how many girls do you know that can drive a tractor??

While I enjoyed my job, I sort of lost the "feminine" side of me. I actually carried a bi-fold wallet. I was covered in dirt daily. Nail polish? What's the point? I now only owned the bare essentials of make up. I had drugstore mascara, some "cover up" and lip balm.

Towards the end of 2007, I got transferred to do maintenance work inside the recreation/banquet building of the township. I know, still a manual labor job where a uniform is required. But working inside all year, getting away from the elements, seeing other girls that got to dress up everyday for work in an office setting...really got me wanting to get in touch with my girly side. I started buying more and more makeup, reading reviews on new beauty products, highlighting my hair again. I couldn't even walk past a makeup section in CVS without looking at all the new product displays. I liked the idea of finding things that worked for me, colors that complimented my eyes, products and remedies that made my hair shiny.

I'm also a fan of baths. I love lighting a candle, reading a magazine and relaxing in the tub. Christmas 2008... My boyfriend and I were doing some Christmas shopping at the mall and were walking through Macy's. And that's when I found LUSH. Insert angels singing. I love Lush. So when I went home that night, I started reading up on some of the products on the Lush website. Now, everyone probably knows all about they have a pretty cool interactive website with fun little videos and reviews. I saw a video by a girl known as Allthatglitters21. So after I saw her Lush video, I visited her YouTube page and had an epiphany. There were other girls out there like me. No longer did I have to hide my obsession for makeup and beauty products. I wasn't alone. [I now know how significant Elle is to the YouTube makeup guru community.]

Since then I've watched hundreds upon hundreds of videos. I subscribe to about 20 wonderful ladies. I've learned a lot but mostly I feel like I've connected with people who "get" me. It's fabulous. Which brings me to this blog. After seeing how much fun these girls have making videos and writing blog posts about all things beauty, I was becoming jealous of them. Um, duh, Biz...start your own blog. So I did. I hope everyone that reads this learns something about makeup, relates to something I'm talking about or at least get a laugh or two.

I'll post a blog letting you guys know when my YouTube video finally kicks off. :)

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