Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 4: Seven fears/phobias

Ehh, 11:38 is close enough to tomorrow, right? Here we go...

1. Dentist. Even if I'm just getting a cleaning, I can't stand it. I don't really know what it is about it. The smell, the sharp objects, the waiting. Eck the whole thing.

2. Spiders. I'm not, by any stretch, a girly-girl but spiders do freak me out. I'll smack a bee out my face, flick aunts away, even pick up a toad or snake but I cannot stand spiders. Especially the brownish clear house ones. Disgusting. Oh and centipedes too. Absolutely nasty. Eww all those little legs...

3. Heights. These are starting to sound rather dull and ordinay but being really high up freaks me out. Like I'll never be able to get down.

4. Swings. I can't even push little kids on swings. It makes my stomach turn like nothing else in this world. I have no idea's something to do with how I'm afraid they'll never slow down, which leads me to...

5. Fans. Well, not all fans, only ceiling fans. Same thing with swings, I'm afraid they'll never stop moving. But really, who cares if they stop moving? I guess I do...

6. People knowing something I don't. I'm always afraid my mom or my friends know something about me or my job or house or literally anything about me that I don't know and are keeping it from me. I don't know why. I'm weird. When people say they "need to talk to me" or "call me later, it's important" that is like the worst thing ever. Tell me now! I physically can't wait until "later."

7. Not being able to pay our bills...which is an everyday fear. I hate not being sure of your employment status or if you'll have enough to cover your bills and food and everything like that.

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