Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ace or Disgrace 2, Items I'm Lusting Over, Trashy TV and more.

Wow, December 20th was the last time I posted a blog. Bad Biz, Bad.

Now that the scolding is over, I have a few things to write down.

First off, let me just say that just because it isn't Christmas anymore, doesn't mean I haven't stopped making wishlists. In fact, more and more things I want keep popping up on my windows desktop post-it note.

1. A pair of Nude Coach heels. 

2. A webcam
3. Flowerbomb Perfume
4. I'm really wanting Facebook to create the "Dislike" button and for text messages to have bold, italics and underline text options. Sometimes I need to make more of a point than capitalizing an entire word.

5. And of course, every new makeup item that happens to come out in 2011. But that's it.

Alright, it's time for another In's and Out's...or as I like to call them, Aces or Disgraces.

  • Flowy duvet covers that have you dreaming about the next time you can lay down in bed all day.
  • All the new drugstore makeup that's coming out this winter/spring. I'm super excited for the new Wet n Wild palettes and the Natural Neutrogena skincare line.
  • The Trashy TV! We are T-37 minutes until the season premiere of Teen Mom 2. I can't wait. I'm also excited for Tosh.0 :)
  • This blog. Writing always makes me feel better, I need to do it more often.
  • Not getting that job I was really hoping for. I wanted it so bad I barely even told anyone about my quest. Oh well, that must mean there are other opportunities ahead!
  • The freakin' weather in Michigan.
  • Forgetting absolutely everything lately. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'll have to remember to take more B12. Oh, wait...
  • My skin being extremely dry and itchy...I think I can blame the weather for this one as well.
  • People who won't make decisions for themselves. This is obviously coming from a hurting place inside me...I won't get into it...I just wish people could think for themselves and not let others sway them as much.
  • The next door neighbor kids who do nothing but leave their house and come back to their house. Seriously, they leave for no more than 90 seconds. And they leave like every hour on the hour! I'm not exaggerating. Where are they going? Why does one person have to shut four car doors as loud as they can? Sit still! End rant.
  • And finally...when commercials are louder than the show. Seriously, I thought someone was on this?!
So we now have 28 minutes until Teen Mom (a.k.a the highlight of my night week) so maybe I can give y'all a little update? With Weight Watchers, they overhauled their system and now have a new PointsPlus Program. The same concept just with a different formula. I lost another 2 pounds since I last talked at you guys...which still only puts me at a total weight loss of 9.5 lbs. I was happy that I only gained two during the holidays ( I hear the average is 7) but upset that I haven't lost more. I do Zumba about once a week...but I really need to step it up. And I need to force myself to write down everything I eat on WW so I can keep better track. I have been eating healthy though lately, and I'm proud of that. My ultimate goal is to lose all my weight by September, which is my friend's wedding. I know it can be done, I've seen the kids on "I Used to be Fat" do it...I just need to push harder and workout wayyyy more often.

Well, that is all. I hope you guys enjoy reading and I will leave you with my favorite commercial of the moment. See you soon, promise!


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